About Us

Our faculty was founded by cabinet decree on July 30 2008 upon July 21 2008 dated and 18255 numbered writing of the Ministry of National Education according to March 28 1983 dated and 2809 numbered law's supplementary 30th item. Our faculty started in 2009-2010 academic year by admitting students to the departments of Nursing and Midwifery,Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation , Nutrition and Dietetics.In 2009-2010 academic year, Nursing and Midwifery students of Health College were transferred to our faculty.In 2013, foundation of Healthcare Management,Audiology,Social Service and Ergotherapy, within the structure of our faculty, was decided by the council of higher education and in 2014-2015 academic year, Healthcare Management department started by admitting students both to formal education and night school programs.Our recently founded other departments will admit students after completing the construction.Our faculty continues its teaching and training activities totally with 2256 students. Trakya University Healthcare Sciences Faculty was founded with the aim of training health professionals who have a broad vision,who are sensitive to cultural and social values,who adopt supremacy of human beings and human rights,who are required both in our country and in the world,who are investigative and productive in the light of changes that globalization has brought. Health Sciences Faculty that exactly represents Trakya University,which is one of the important training institutions of Turkey and the Balkans,in training,science,health and social area with its institutional culture and identity defends the importance of cooperation and scientific facts both in national and international scientific fields.

Mission:To train healthcare professionals who are equipped with professional knowledge and skills,have advanced communication skills,are aware of ethical principles,attach importance to interdisciplinary cooperation,and use scientific methods.

Vision:To be a faculty that is proud to be its students,staff and graduates, contributes to human and community health ,and produces pioneer ideas in the field of health.


 Atatürk’s principles and reforms




Social responsibility

Sensitivity to the environment and nature

Respect for human dignity


 Our faculty was founded by cabinet decree on July 30 2008 upon July 21 2008 dated and 18255 numbered writing of the Ministery of National Education according to March 28 1983 dated and 2809 numbered law’s supplementary 30th item

 Our faculty started in 2009-2010 academic year by admitting students to the departments of Nursing and Midwifery,Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation,Nutrition and Dietetics.In 2009-2010 academic year,Nursing and Midwifery students of Health College were transferred to our faculty.In 2013,foundation of Healthcare Management ,Audiology,Social Service and Ergotherapy,within the structure of our faculty,was decided by the council of higher education and in 2014-2015 academic year,Healthcare Management department started by admitting students both to formal education and night school programs.Our recently founded other departments will admit students after completing the construction.Our faculty continues its teaching and training activities totally with 2256 students.

Trakya University Healthcare Sciences Faculty was founded with the aim of training health professionals who have a broad vision,who are sensitive to cultural and social values,who adopt supremacy of human beings and human rights,who are required both in our country and in the world,who are investigative and productive in the light of changes that globalization has brought.

Health Sciences Faculty that exactly represents Trakya University,which is one of the important training institutions of Turkey and the Balkans,in training,science,health and social area with its institutional culture and identity defends the importance of cooperation and scientific facts both in national and international scientific fields.